Join us at our next big thing
Winter Welcome Week
Movie Monday & Popcorn Bar
January 8th, 5-7pm
Location: Rose Warner Hillel House.
Tomato Soup Tuesday & Grilled Cheese 12-2
January 9th, noon-2pm
Location: Rose Warner Hillel House.
Welcome Week Scavenger Hunt
January 10th, 11am-2pm (and more)
Location: UC campus.
Welcome Back Waffle Bar
January 11th, 11am-2pm
Location: Rose Warner Hillel House.
Welcome Back Shabbat Dinner
January 12th, 5:30pm
Location: Rose Warner Hillel House.
Further Upcoming Events
Wellness Shabbat
1.19.24 5:30pm
Enjoy Shabbat dinner, as well as get to hear from our social worker on working on wellness in your life.
Trees & Tu biShevat
1.24.24 ?pm
Celebrating Judaism’s new year for trees, as we learn about this peculiar timing, as well as develop an appreciation for trees around us.
Bagels Brunches
1.18.24 & 1.25.24 11am-1pm
Enjoy bagels while schmoozing with friends and get to hear from guest speakers